API Documentation
The application features a straightforward API for many functional purposes. When making requests against the API, users need to authenticate. To that end, a valid token is obtained on the endpoint api/token. Here is an example how that is done with curl:
curl -X POST -d 'ins=<instance>' -d 'sub=<username>' -d 'pwd=<password>'
API users then extract the token <TOKEN>
from the response. All further requests need to have an authorization token attached, as the example below illustrates:
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>"
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>" -d '@file=<dateiname.json>' -d 'name=NAME'
For access to the API from the local system, a command line tool jr_client
is included. It takes an instance name and an API endpoint as first two arguments. It then generates a token for the specified instance and executes curl against the hostname and port configured in the .config
file. The third and all other arguments are passed to curl. The examples above turns into
./jr_client <instance> api/portfolios
./jr_client -X POST api/params -d '@file=<dateiname.json>' -d 'name=NAME'
and no separate request to the api/user/token endpoint is needed.
Below, we describe the API endpoints for different purposes.
Endpoint | Method | Description | Request Payload | Comment |
api/user/token | GET | Returns a token by setting an HTTP-only cookie access_token |
None | Request needs HTTP Authorization header or a Cookie header with the value access_token populated with a valid token. |
api/user/token | POST | Returns a token by setting an HTTP-only cookie access_token |
sub (user name), ins (instance name), and pwd (password) fields, encoded as multipart/form-data |
api/user/token/{LOGIN TOKEN} | GET | Returns a token by setting an HTTP-only cookie | None | Passwordless login: URL needs a valid <LOGIN TOKEN> that was sent by E-Mail before. |
api/user/password | POST | Updates the user's password | pwd and pwd1 fields, encoded as multipart/form-data | Request needs HTTP Authorization header or a Cookie header with the value access_token populated with a valid token. |
api/user/logout | GET | Deletes the HTTP-only cookie access_token |
None | |
api/user/mgmt | GET | Returns a list of all users with their permissions and lock status | None | Request must contain a token with the u permission set. |
api/user/mgmt | POST | Updates info for a single user | A JSON object with the fields sub (the name of the user), per (the permission string), ema (the E-Mail address), and locked (the lock status of the user) set. |
Request must contain a token with the u permission set. |
Endpoint | Method | Description | Request Payload | Comment |
api/params | GET | Returns a JSON list of parameters sets available | None | Must have read permissions |
api/params/{PARAM FILE} | GET | Returns the param file in JSON format. Param file name consists of a date string YYYY-MM-DD, an underscore and a name that can contain letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores. | None | Must have read permissions |
api/params | POST | Stores the parameter set uploaded | Data is multipart/form-data encoded. Fields: file (a JSON file), name (the name component of the params set, without date and .json extension), temp a boolean variable indicating if temp store is requested |
Must have write permissions. The JSON submitted in the file field must contain the valuation_date property. Then, the file is stored under the valuation_date submitted. If temp is true, no file name is needed and the file is stored under a server-generated name which is returned in the JSON response. |
Endpoint | Method | Description | Request Payload | Comment |
api/portfolio | GET | Returns a JSON list of dates for which portfolios are available | None | Must have read permissions |
api/portfolio/{yyyy-mm-dd} | GET | Returns a JSON list of portfolios available for date yyyy-mm-dd | None | Must have read permissions |
api/portfolio/all | GET | Returns a JSON list of portfolios available for all dates | None | Must have read permissions |
api/portfolio/{yyyy-mm-dd}/{name} | GET | Returns the requested portfolio. | None | Must have read permissions |
api/portfolio/{yyyy-mm-dd}/{name} | POST | Stores the requested portfolio. | The portfolio as a gzipped JSON file | Must have write permissions. Portfolio name must consist of only letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores. |
Endpoint | Method | Description | Request Payload | Comment |
api/scenarios | GET | Returns a JSON list of scenario groups available | None | Must have read permissions |
api/scenarios/{name} | GET | Returns the scenario group {name} in JSON format | None | Must have read permissions |
api/scenarios/ | POST | Stores the uploaded JSON scenario group | Data is multipart/form-data encoded. Fields: file (a JSON file), name (the name of the scenario group, without .json extension) |
Must have write permissions |
Time Series
Endpoint | Method | Description | Request Payload | Comment |
api/series/data | GET | Returns a bulk export of all time series in CSV format | None | Must have read permissions |
api/series/data | POST | Update time series in CSV format | CSV data, see documentation for the Time Series applet for format specifications. | Must have write permissions |
api/series/data/{name} | GET | Returns a bulk export of all tags of the time series with name {name} in CSV format | None | Name consists of letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores and plus signs and cannot be NAME. Must have read permissions |
api/series/data/{name} | DELETE | Delete time series with name {name}, all tags | None | Name consists of letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores and plus signs and cannot be NAME. Must have write permissions |
api/series/data/{name}/{tag} | DELETE | Delete time series with name {name} and tag {tag} | None | Name and tag consist of letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores and plus signs and name cannot be NAME. Must have write permissions |
api/series/definitions | GET | Returns the time series definitions in JSON format | None | Must have read permissions |
api/series/definitions/{name} | GET | Returns the time series definitions of all tags corresponding to {name} in JSON format | None | Name consists of letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores and plus signs and cannot be NAME Must have read permissions |
api/series/names | GET | Returns the names of all time series definitions in JSON format | None | Must have read permissions |
api/series/table/{name} | GET | Returns a pivotised table of time series data for all tags of the time series with name {name} | None | Supports the query parameters from (YYYY-MM-DD), to (YYYY-MM-DD), interpolate ("true" or not "true"). Name consists of letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores and plus signs and cannot be NAME. Must have read permissions |
Endpoint | Method | Description | Request Payload | Comment |
api/modules | GET | Returns a list of modules in JSON format | None | Must have read permissions |
api/modules/{name} | GET | Returns the module {name} if it exists | None | Name is without the '.js' extension. Serves modules with the Content-Type HTTP header set to text/javascript. Must have read permissions |
Endpoint | Method | Description | Request Payload | Comment |
api/runs | GET | Returns a JSON object with all run specifications and run executions in JSON format. | None | Must have read permissions |
api/runs/{exec}/run.log | GET | Returns the log file corresponding to the execution with execution id {exec}. | None | Must have read permissions |
api/runs/{exec}/run.json | GET | Returns the run specification info corresponding to the execution with execution id {exec}. | None | Must have read permissions |
api/runs/{name} | DELETE | Deletes the run specification with name {name}. | None | Must have write permissions |
api/runs/{name} | POST | Creates or updates the run specification with name {name}. Depending on the payload, also execute the run. | JSON run specification. Run is executed if run specification contains execute field with true boolean value. | Must have write permissions. Must have execute permissions if execution is requested. |
Endpoint | Method | Description | Request Payload | Comment |
api/results | GET | Returns a JSON list of dates for which results are available | None | Must have read permissions |
api/results/{yyyy-mm-dd} | GET | Returns a JSON list of result sets available for date yyyy-mm-dd | None | Must have read permissions |
api/results/all | GET | Returns a JSON list of result sets available for all dates | None | Must have read permissions |
api/results/{yyyy-mm-dd}/{name} | GET | Returns the contents of the results set stored under date yyyy-mm-dd and name {name}. Contents are aggregated by the standard aggretation level sub_portfolio. | None | Must have read permissions |
api/results/{yyyy-mm-dd}/{name} | POST | Returns the aggregated contents of the results set stored under date yyyy-mm-dd and name {name}. An aggregation specification is accepted as payload. | A JSON object where the grouping property is an array of strings. These strings specify by what grouping results should be aggregated. | Must have read permissions |